Photo credit: Relja Ivanic (
During the construction of N1 Housing [], architectural duo Simovic got the assigment to design new residential building in the same street.
Just like N1 Housing, this project is named N8 Housing (Nemanjina street No 8) and continues to comunicate with the street and narrow city core.
As the initial concept with N1 Housing was to neglect and negate the context of the street, which is in constant change, architects were in situation to examine and conclude their concept of transformation of 100m lenght street. That being said, the new context is created and new building must comunicate with the previous one.
That comunication was established with neat fenestration, without any terraces on street elevation. The possibiity to form the building as a part of non-continuous street row, N8 Housing got the opportunity to get some 3d forms, contrary to N1 which is percieved as 2d form from the street.
Building is jagged and formed in to two prisms which are connected with third lower prism with staircase. This staircase is completly on one side sunken with glass facade and because of that is part of little semipublic space infront of entrance of the building and on the other hand gives the opportunity to see and percive the city core as one goes upstairs or downstairs.
Part of building which is on the street side is materialised with grey brick slips in caracteristic masonary bond with tirquise bordure around windows. That specific visual and textural effect continued the specific estetic comunication with street and N1 Housing.
On this rectangular and rythmical street facade is formed visual syncope, by which has dynamized the building and ensure to give a series of different perception.
Prism which is oriented on the bottom of the lot is materialized in neutral style, suggesting the quet family ambient.
N8 Housing have 7 apartments, different structure (one bedroom, two bedroom, three bedroom apartments), and 4 duplex apartments that have private exits on the roof terraces, as was the case with N1 Housing.
The size of the lot gave the opportunity to form different semipublic/semiprivate content, like the space infront of the entrance and shared garden with playground ond the bottom of the lot. With red concrete tiles, the plateau and garage ramp are accented in specific way.