The location and condition of the competition site enforce into finding of solution to revitalize lost connections. Greenery area on the Scarp was divided and destroyed by thetrench of Trasa. Salvation – is restoration and reunion of disassociated parts. Therefore project proposes to create the pedestrian level above the trench of Trasa, thereby torevitalize lost unity. The beginning of this pedestrian level is near existent stations of public transport, above themand extends above Trasa and goes on to the long distant. This levelat the same time is the roof above Trasa –multipurpose flat roofing of tunnel. It runs under the whole volume ofMuseum building and goes on far away towards Bridge across riverWisla.In the point of intersection Trasa with Os Stanislawowska there is large oval opening. It is surrounded by sloping granitic wall of height 1.2mwith carved words and statementsof historical personalities which influenced upon the History of Poland. There is a certain watery-spatial composition with man-made pool around the wall. The water trickles downalong the wall, and the sound of water drowns the noise of traffic. New overpass on-site of real one across the Trasa Lazienkowska meets the long ramp on the public pedestrianlevel. The intersection forms a cross, if looking fromabove.And existing pedestrian connections and routs are saved andmay be used by people coming toMuseumor to the publicareas.When raise on the pedestrian level everyone finds oneself into another space…The building of Museum is two-storied volume, as great plane, which is hanged on several rectangular arches above Skarpa Warszawska, and looks as if it is flying overSkarpa. The rowof arches symbolizes the progressivemarch of history and at the same time shows the direction for development ofMuseumin the future.The general idea of present solution – all the composition of theMuseumfacilitymust develop and growtogether with the evolving historical process.On the earth level under the Trasa Lazienkowska there are situated:- entrances to staircases and lifts- storehouses- utility services rooms- garages- parking space.The pedestrian level converts into the open ground floor (height variable) when meeting the building of the Museum. It is proposed to use the open space of ground floor forarrangement of trade fairs, street trade and as ameeting place. Lifts and staircases connect it with restaurants, café, bars on the overhead floors. There are public areas accessiblewithout limitation. These spacesmay be used for any actions arranged with the participation ofMuseumor without it.Additionally all levels, including roof, are linked up one to another by ramps, that conforms to the international requirements of universal design. The narrowstretch of roof lightthere is above ramps.Evacuation is organized bymeans of two staircases with fire double-glass panes, two open stairways and ramps.The pedestrian level without any lanes and tracks is covered by special- purpose plates with grass sprouted through them – Grass-plat grids of High Density Polyethylene –HDPE. The same covering is on the flat roof of the Museum building. There is a fine place with view of the not only whole Jazdow area, Scarpa Warszawska, but far-far away tosurrounding spaces…Long ramp runs fromthe pedestrian level to themain entrance to theMuseumon the first floor (height 5.00m).Here are situated:-main entrance vestibule- reception- clothes- utility cores- offices- reference library- archive or record office- administrationand other rooms for all kinds of intellectual activity (communicate, inform, outreach in exhibitions, communication, publication, discussion).The second floor (height 10.00m) is the prime place for public. Themain exhibition halls are located here.The flat roof is projected fromthewall on the southern side for sunlight protection for exhibits,when thewalls are executed in transparentmaterials.All elements of constructions are fabricated in plant conditions and thenmounted-in-place (dry assemblage), except zero circle and supports of the ground level.Main constructions are glued wooden withmetal.Externalwalls completed in special-purpose stained-glasses.Built-in-place piles (with drilling) are used for zero cycle.Tunnel of Trasa goes pass the Skarpa, and under the Museum building becomes elevated above the earth. The aimis the traffic noise protection for surrounding areas. Sidewalls of elevated tunnel executed ofmonolithic transparent polycarbonate. There is no necessity to light this part of tunnel in the daytime, that gives energy saving.As concerns the demands for heritage aspects of greenery and park areas: firstly – minimization of traffic influence by creating of elevated tunnel, and secondly -strengthening of slope by creating earth-retainingwalls and terraces, but only after in-depth study and grave researchwork.The shape of the new Museum building and its disposition relatively to the Ujazdow Castle allows to create new space between them, perhaps Forum or Meeting Place notonly for people, but for different architecture. This is the continuation of the museum exposure under the open sky. The contrast of different materials and styles is a symbol ofdifferent epochs, and at the same time combination and harmony between them.