Some artifacts from ongoing research into the the relationship between human movement and architecture:The final presentation poster for my Human Factors term research paper (taught by Professor Christine Mondor), "Body Architecture: Deconstructivism, Parametricism, and the Recorporealization of Space" (2012).Two explorations of movement:First, my own mapping of the movement possibilities supported in changing natural zones along a forest path.Second, a group project installation of poles in a thicket, creating a gridded datum plane against which the movement of the vines and people in the thicket is accentuated.My term paper "No Triangular Spaces?!: Rudolf Laban, August Schmarsow, and the Psychophysiological Effects of Non-Orthogonal Space," (2012) written for History of Architectural Theory (taught by Professor Kai Gutschow), was given the honor of being submitted to the Pittsburgh Historical Society student writing competition.Copyright 2012 Alexandre Kinney