This is about the romance of the turn of century France and the Weimar Berlin, the movement driven by the political renewal of Europe and the World, back in the days where we used to think we were still innocent but yet weren’t so innocent.It’s about Toulouse Lautrec…It’s about Absinthe and Hydromel… It’s about the movement of the French Cancan dancers, their provocative high kicks and stimulating body movements, the seductive dances that were inviting you under their dresses and behind the curtains of the Moulin Rouge.It’s also about the movement of change that would drive the world towards new horizons and new realities a few decades later, The Movement of Blitz, The Movement of wind, blades, lights and sounds, The Movement of people, youth, change and modernity. Our space is created by a Movement, created by the energy of the windmill and the provocation of the movements of the Courtesans, the same historical movement and drive that will let us forget the physical presence of the red Windmill, therefore only keeping its memory, an anchor point, the spinning direction of its blades processed into a 3-dimensional mesh through an interval of time; producing the main façade of the project, and generating its interior spaces, by infiltrating the structure so that everything that happens inside the Moulin rouge unfolds.The new dance school will therefore be a Museum of movement by itself, as an intense interaction will take place between architecture, the public and the “to-be courtesans”. The Visitor will be taken into an intimate promenade of desires and tease, and a mystical world of voyeurism …