In a rural environment, located in the central and most striking point of Figueiró in Amarante, the new Mortuary House emerges as a unifying space of that urban fabric, allowing religious contemplation of the unique elements around it.
Flanked by the Church of Figueiró Santiago, former primary school, the volume formerly an old building with characteristics of providing public services and without architectural character, we were asked to embrace the difficult challenge of converting the building into Mortuary house, the result of the confluence between the main delimiting axes of the its configuration, landscaping and solar orientation.
The materiality of the building, integrates and filters the context in which it operates, the whiteness of the exterior and interior walls conveying the serenity that the space needs, instead of the exterior flagstone on the lower floor conveying solidification and nobility in the final act of farewell.
The interior areas result from the triangulation between the main spaces, defined by an atrium, a funerary room and an outdoor patio for contemplation through the vertical blades to the landscaped patio, allowing the entire building and natural space to catalyze an environment of neutrality, silence and introspection