The unit has 233 square metre, including 3 rooms 2 halls 2 toilets, among them sitting room part is 6 meters height. The owner purchased the entire 25 floors for the operation of the homestay, taking into account the existing pipeline location and room area, we transformed the part except the dining room into seven guest rooms (one of which is a loft). Benefiting from the innate advantages of the river view, there are both windows at the corner with a width of 12 meters and balconies facing the river with a height of six meters. Landscape resources can be introduced in the way of "horizontal axis" and "vertical axis". What we need to do is to dismantle the redundant partition wall to give full play to this advantage.In order to ascend the first impression, we choose to retain only one door, combining the two restaurants into a public area. In order to avoid the aimless streamline, a long table is set up in the center, leading the residents make a circle before enter the room .