NBRS+PARTNERS MODUPOD© redefines the relocatable classroom to win second place in the Future Proofing Schools International Design Competition sponsored by The University of Melbourne, Melbourne School of Design and the Australian Institute of Architects.
MODUPOD© an outcome from a collaborative educational research initiative; 2025 The Learning Continuum* is a dynamic 21st century learning environment creating an inspiring Implicit Curriculum©, the 3D text book of spatial forms promoting interaction and critical thinking for 21st century students. Fast assembly, smart stimulating interiors and flexible PODS place students and teachers at the heart of learning. MODUPOD© Dynamic multi-modal clusters are built around an Active Core©; a permeable student resource centre supporting unique pedagogical solutions by incorporating five standard learning modes. The Studio, Project, Breakout, Social PODS and the Outdoor Spaces support modes of teaching and learning and are specified to meet the a spectrum of curriculum needs, site topographies and climatic conditions. With MODUPOD© educationalists can achieve a fast, smart, and flexible 21st century learning environment. Visit The Incubator www.msdincubator.com/fps/competition/ for more information.