The competition brief called for a rural medical clinic that could be built with little energy and material. The use was to be a treatment facility for children and mothers in East Africa. The MODU_CLINIC came out of these constraints. Modularity is important to the design in order to construct with ease and add on for future phases of the clinic. The building is based off a 16' by 12' single module that is constructed of locally grown bamboo. Raising the platform off the ground allows air to circulate underneath and also creating a barrier from the surroundings. Natural ventilation is then possible with openings at the floor and ceiling allowing cool air to enter and hot air to exit while passing through the structure. The problems that building and living in East Africa present seem insurmountable and it does not seem that architecture will be that affective. All they need is good doctors and medicine. But what architecture can do is provide hope. This building can not solve everything nor is it trying, but it can provide the hope that better living conditions are available and people are here to help.