The Township of Millburn has undertaken a complete streets initiative to better balance the needs of all users of their downtown. Previously, the downtown was hindered by congestion and was a dangerous place for pedestrians as evidenced by the high volume of crashes. However, it was in their best interest to address these issues and create a vibrant space where the community could invest locally, as well as transform the downtown into an example to other towns adopting a
complete streets initiative.
Arterial teamed with Sam Schwartz to develop a comprehensive study of the entire downtown which included a detailed transportation and urban design analysis. From this analysis, a number of streetscape and traffic calming design features were recommended. These recommendations were communicated extensively to the public through a series of community meetings. These features included
narrowed travel lanes, reduction in the number of travel lanes, intersection bumpouts, mid-block crosswalks, traffic signal coordination, parking lot access and identification improvements, reverse angle parking, stormwater planters and significant improvements to the pedestrian amenities throughout the downtown.
The project resulted in a highly praised complete street built project.
2017 Complete Streets Excellence Award - NJDOT
2017 Excellence Award: Gold Built Project - Downtown New Jersey
2017 Great Streets Designee - APANJ
2021 Landscape Architectural Design: Master Plan - NJASLA Merit Award