The design traverses through the dimension of creating Transparency and Opaqueness. The spaces reveals and un-reveals themselves through intricately designed space dividers.
Mild Steel, Glass and Wood are the primary materials used in the design. Combinations of these materials are detailed to create Space dividers, Furniture, Lighting fixtures, Ceiling details and Wall Murals.
Mild Steel works as the main structural frame to combine Glass and Wood. Orthogonal geometry with the per-mutation of horizontal and vertical lines is used to create interesting surfaces. Glass, Wood and Mild Steel are used in their natural form to design simple yet elegant interiors.
The Space dividers scoop out separate working spaces from the common multi-functional office space. The privacy of these separate working spaces need to be maintained. The Space dividers are a combination of Transparent and Opaque surfaces. The transparent surfaces are kept clear and smooth within the simple or-thogonal geometry. The opaque surfaces are worked out with the combination of wood panel, colored surfaces, wooden louvers and Mild steel frame. The Dividers show an interesting combination of Clear Glass and layers of opaque surfaces intricately designed. When traverse through the office space interesting play of Transparent and Opaque interiors revealing-unrevealing it self is experienced. The clear glass creates multiple interior re-flections making the spatial experience evocative.