Metro Marquee reinforces the urban fabric of the
city by bringing retail to the edge of the property, therefore promoting
pedestrian traffic. The pedestrian
character of the development is further reinforced by the plaza at the south
end of 7th Street,
which preserves three existing magnificent trees and serves as access to a
grocery store, offices and the pedestrian access to the parking garage. It also encourages the use of outdoor seating
for the proposed restaurant.
The towers are oriented perpendicular to the river
to allow for view corridors from the city while providing excellent water views
for residents as well. One tower is 18
stories and has 66 residential units.
The second tower is 21 stories and has72 residential units. In addition to these units the development
contains a restaurant, a grocery store and offices. The office component is located at the south
end of the development over the grocery store.
The director of the Downtown Development Agency (DDA)
has stated that Metro Marquee has met every principle of Bradenton’s Downtown Master Plan – livable,
walkable streets with on-street parking, a mixed-use fabric of buildings that
address streetscape and quality public spaces, promoting higher residential
density downtown and connecting the public with the riverfront.