For the 10th edition of the Venice Architecture Biennale, the architect Patrick BOUCHAIN, the 2006 French pavilion curator, invited us to transform the exhibition pavilion into an inhabited space.The theme for the biennale was the META-Cité : we proposed creating the META-Villa.We built a scaffolding structure that occupied half of the pavilion, went through the glass ceiling to expand onto the roof with its view on the city. The villa hosted a hotel, an open kitchen, a bar, a reading room, a workspace as well as a spa on the roof, with showers, sauna and a mini-swimming pool.The Meta-villa was ready to be lived in during the exhibition. For three months, events like workshops, seminars and parties were organized.We came back to the METAVilla to organize one of the workshops, Resident-META, which produced among other projects GRrrrrridWAVE.The other guest actors in the METAVilla the project were Daniel BUREN for the entrance and Liliana MOTTA for the roof garden.