Embracing digital technology, the streetscape becomes the stage while the eminating sounds and projections animate the local context. While fulfilling the client’s dreams and responding to Downtown Tucson’s mixture of intense culture this surreal uinterpretation of the Ideal theater blurs the boundary between interior and exterior, and genuine or illusionary events .The visual foundation entices and deconstructs any preconceptions of the viewer and bystanders before ever entering the lobby. The rail is an active catwalk while the surrounding program reveals a forced perspective and the emotive projection animates this surreal experience.As the first and last thing experienced when entering and leaving downtown, the site caps the city center and the landscape reflects the articulation of the educational programs in relation to the performance program. A flexible relationship between spectator and spectacle is defined by the physical manifestation of a social phenomenon. The circulation rail is the continuation of the 4th Ave pedestrian vector that links the University of Arizona campus to Downtown Tucson. Defining the dynamic relationship between the performance and service programs, the rail separates the rehearsal and experimental theater on the north and the set shops and classrooms to main theater on the south.Following the vector, the auxiliary programs such as education and rehearsal flow under the rail as it serves the performance program in a processional fashion that allows the school components to serve the performance program as they are tactically organized to facilitate a practical, sustainable and ideal use of the spaces. This poignant atmosphere spills into the context alluring every spectator, as the sitebecomes a beacon to the downtown area introducing passion and inspiration into every aspect of the surrounding social context.