The project arises from two conditioners, first, the necessity of the corner in relation to the urban, social and vehicular interactions and second, the questioning of the Farmers Market as a model of urban infrastructure, an element of economic, social, cultural, tourist and architectural development. The classic model of a farmers market establishes a construction without a coherent relation with the surroundings and its contexts. It is to say, the construction becomes a container that only contains. The urban interactions and their relation with the classic model of a farmers market generate a dilemma which is explained by a project that establishes a smaller scale intervention and an appropriation and identity, one which, is no longer an architectural manifestation of a market but rater a human appropriation.The fact that the market is indeed a container is inevitable, it is because of this that the proposal is another container, only it is redefined by the questioning before written down, converting it, in a package surrounded by its content. We believe that a farmers market shouldnt represent itself as an architectonic icon, but rather as the content, with its colors, forms, scents, feelings, sensations or any other product that generates the content, the one that makes of the new market of Otavalo an icon for the city.An urban infrastructure element that constitutes a model or node of development does not have to exist in an empty scene without relations and existing realities. Does not have to try to frame in its totality the activities that in it can be given. That is to say, the market must work inside of an articulated system of similar and complementary elements, where the regeneration, and modernization of the existing elements allow the new infrastructures to develop in order to constitute an optimized system. The new Central Market of Otavalo is considered within a system of markets, which include, Mercado Copacabana, Mercado Imbaya and present market 24 of May, which should also be regenerated in congruence with its zone of influence, growth possibility, and commercialization specifies of products. By activating this system each one of their elements (markets) is transformed into development nodes, obtaining an efficient relation between user, scale, market and city. By re distributing the demand of goods through out the city and not concentrating them in a sole infrastructure, it allows us to reduce the programmatic areas obtaining a smaller scale design, appropriate for the new site of the market. This redistribution facilitates the design and planning of public spaces and green areas, which in return, converts the market from a frigid market place into a public forum, ready for people to occupy. By this new market no longer has the connotation of a great center of commercialization and it is transformed into a true model of economic, social, cultural, tourist and architectonic development.