Mapping sound is forming a place where sound becomes as much a part of auditory experience, as the material of sound itself.
Architectural form hence, is a product of "place-based" sound features within a spatial experience of opportunities to situate a listener with an intensification of immediate experience that expands beyond a point of focus to an environmental situation. This project is a
discussion and negotiation where "mapping communication" is the mapping of sounds which cannot be built, but effected by the built. The aural
geography and locational mapping becomes less a place-holder of spatial
urbanistic viewpoints, but a broad theme of global listening points--thus, to listen to a sound, is to listen to the entire body of the sound world in micro-detail (footnote).
LaBelle, Brandon - Background Noise: Perspectives on Sound Art - Introduction to Part 5: Soundmarks: Environments and Aural Geography Pg: 197
Title: Mapping Communication: Soundscape
Design & Fabrication:
Wendy W Fok
Installation Team:
Natalia Kastravelli, Vasilis Raptis
Dates: (2nd Tour)
15 - 21 JULY 2009
Location: Gazi, Technopollis (1st Tour)
8 - 18 SEPT 2008
Location:Byzantine Museum
Copyright © WE-DESIGNS, LLC