The Mancos Public Library is a building that teaches lessons of renewable energy, healthy living and stewardship of natural resources. This 8,000 sf library features a colorful children’s room, teen corner, adult collection, central fireplace, sustainability room and flexible meeting space.
Mancos, Colorado known as the Gateway to Mesa Verde is located 62 miles northeast of the Four Corners monument where Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah meet at one point. The library is located one block off Main Street south of the Mancos River.
The indoor and outdoor space of the library is blurred with large windows and a reading porch on the north and east side of the building. To honor the heritage and true color of local building materials the library features Aspen ceilings and masonry from regional quarries.
The mechanical systems for the Mancos Public Library utilize a transpired solar collector on the south wall. In the winter, the solar heated air at the surface of the wall is drawn through perforations, where it rises up to the building’s ventilation system. This system reduces the amount of energy needed to heat fresh air. In the summer, the walls’ natural ventilation cools the south face of the building.
The Mancos Public Library is a LEED Gold certified building demonstrating sustainability and encouraging community learning and creativity.