The inherent energy at the MIA is tangible within and around the terminal. An environment of transitions, vibrant, never static, the country’s gateway to other cultures, the visitor’s first experience of Malta. People in motion. Arrivals and departures. Joyous welcomes and sorrowful goodbyes.
Openworkstudio proposed to build on the travelers’ varied experiences to lift the quality of the setting, upgrade visitor facilities, and help seethe anxieties. The proposals frame this constant movement within a new façade, a deep permeable threshold, and a twin-sided portico bridging the level change from the upper drop-off zone to the lower car park. Within it, the covered path and ramps. Emphasis is given to the tunnel entrance, elevating it to the primary pedestrian route into the terminal.
The tunnel has a particular agency; a more gradual transition up to the main floor, less brusque than the available alternatives where passengers are overwhelmed by queues and a rush of people. The new covered walkways help guide visitors serenely towards the tunnel passageway; shaded, cool, breezy, perfumed transition zones lead into the terminal.
Commodity, comfort, landscape and ecology, environmental considerations, and security will mould the final proposals. Craftsmanship, context, economy, and community aspirations will further refine them.
Openworkstudio’s vision was to work with the MIA and its stakeholders to develop the concept and all its details.