This house is another "gate" between a shrine and the city.
It is next to SHIRAKAWA-Shrine.
The shrine is generally the silent place, and the city is so busy space to the contrary.
We usually draw a little breath before we enter in such a holy place. “Gate” is necessary to separate the holy space from the secure one.
But, the holy space is not an isolated fortress. It must be connected to the city. It has the contradiction, but we would like to try to work out a solution of this problem.
This house has 3 tunnels between the street and shrine. First one is the Garage, the second is Living-terrace, and the third is bath-court. And those tunnels connect with the interior-space and exterior-space, and it made by one folding-plate. And this folding-plate becomes the borderline of living space inside and out. In this house, this folding-plate is the floor, the wall, and ceiling, and partition.
This is the very thing which connects and divides between the holy space and the city.