Log is the premier print journal
of architectural writing and criticism today. Recent topics include: the
necessity of the metacritique in architecture; burgeoning urbanism in
Dubai; Venice and its defiance of the modern; lying with images;
unanswerable questions posed by signature buildings; the vainglories of
"research architecture"; cultural patrimony in Paris; the political and
material expediency of the building envelope; molecular gastronomy as an
analogue of the excesses of parametric architectures; the troubled, but
fascinating reception of Gilles Deleuze in New York, in the 1970s, and
the subsequent development of the publications Semiotext(e) and Zone; and Peter Greenaway's multi-media intervention, Wedding at Cana, at the 2009 Venice Biennale.
A carefully crafted compendium of essays, conversations (interviews),
and short observations on contemporary buildings and trends, Log
eschews the visual culture of the moment in favor of determined forays
into the critical and cultural implications of the discipline.