"Local baker", or "Misceviy pekar" is a brand new bakery located in historical centre Odessa in Preobrazhenskaya str. On the area of 50 sqm we had to make space for coocking, selling and eating products made here. The budget for construction and renovation was strongly limited, so themain idea was to keep as much existing stuff as possible. We were lucky to find underneath the armstrong ceiling wooden lath on wooden planks in perfect condition. Client just trusted the disegner, so we just cleaned the lath and covered it with wood vanish. The wall diveding the bakery and the shop is made of plywood. The face of the counter is covered with "underground" tiles.The layout of tiles quotes the pattern of the spike. The lighting is made with made in Ukraine industrial lamshades to create worm and domestic athmosphere. There is a quote from the logo crating the pattern on the wall. Few authentic details of traditional bakery represent decoration.