cinema is category that toke root to our idea and disperses our culture in the world a good cinema can result in progress a society.To watch a film and enjoy it we need the beautiful and comforting place.Cinema is the art that link up the real world to metaphorical world andbrings imagination and the dream to reality.We try link up both worlds with the different design .To make use of thebridge that joined the cinema and Pushkin's square and glasses structureto surround the pavement, we try to connect most of the people tocinema category, passers-by who don’t want to enter to cinema, willconnect to cinema just by crossing covered pavement and see thepictures of cinema's artists.Theatre and cinema that are powerful structures for universal cultureboth of them join together with powerful ropes of art and philosophy.metal ropes top of the cinema's structure are symbols of powerful ropes,they try to link up real world to metaphorical world and the connectivebridge enter people of real world to metaphorical world and to playConnective role for these worlds.The materials structure:Concrete for wall - metal and glass for bridge roof and coveredpavement- aluminium for ropes top of the cinema's structureThe cinema structure is spatial that a great cover for extra bigenvironments--