Requalification of Lido Iride and realization of a park adjacent to the beach approximately 10 hectaresLIDOAn unusual architectural structure complex that arises from the "genius loci" of the place and heal the inflicted wounds on the land. The system and the shape of the dunes is transferred into the composition of the project, with five domes of concrete, where two of them will be occupied by a Resort, one as Active Center and the other two are the car parking. The entire outer surface is covered with soil and vegetation, the layers of soil and native vegetation will be a thermal insulation to the whole structure with great benefits for energy consumption. The underground parking that would be achieved by descent (comb) No. 1 with a ramp, will be lighted and ventilated by elliptical holes placed on the skin of the covering. Instead, the Resort and the Active center for young people have two large windows (eyes) facing the sea, to capture energy (photovoltaic system), (exerting illuminating light) the interior (eyelid). In short, two large eyes (Iride) in the territory where the architecture conceived as an organic and fluid covered by a vegetation cover of native plants, (pink cardinal, catchfly, Ononis, astragalus, sea lilies, etc.) are changed color by different seasons , will be placed on the territory of the former towed by the development of the whole area.Requalification of Lido Iride and realization of a park adjacent to the beach approximately 10 hectaresPARKThe area of this project is quite humanized from presence of the house structures, the humanized of the place over years has also reflected on the state of the soil and flora inside the area, the vegetation formations are typical of psammofila environments, even with the constant presence of a thicket pinaster Pinus pinea, Juniperus macro carpa and oxicoedrus phoenicea: it is a pine forest that requires a redevelopment works to consolidate the plants. The park will consist of an organic path which maintains contacts with the former lido area and the pond and the Ginepreto Platamona by trekking and bike path.Redevelopment and infrastructure of the coastal stripMARINA DI SORSOL’intervento proposto si articola sia nella realizzazione di un area a parcheggio che risolva il problema della messa in sicurezza per coloro che si dirigono alla spiaggia o alla frequentazione della piazza ad essa antistante, sia nel miglioramento estetico dello spazio di ritrovo (passeggiata ed ex pattinodromo) e sia nella realizzazione di un nell’area di circa 1,8 ettari compresa tra l’ex pattinodromo, il locale di proprietà comunale un tempo denominato Canguro e l’incrocio tra la strada provinciale e la Sorso-Marina. Per la realizzazione del parcheggio si è ipotizzata un’opera di esproprio per pubblica utilità di un area antistante l’incrocio tra la Marina di Sorso e la Strada Provinciale 81, un successivo intervento di qualificazione renderebbe l’area fruibile a parcheggio per oltre 500 posti macchina.Il resto dell’opera sarà la realizzazione di una grande piazza sul mare, comprendendo importanti spazi pedonali, servizi, docce, chioschi, bar e un anfiteatro per spazio musicale all’aperto: si ambisce a rendere l’area quale punto di riferimento per aggregazione, intrattenimento e socializzazione dei residenti e non. L’arredo sarà realizzato con sedute in legno lungo tutta la piazza con sistema di illuminazione diffusa. Nell’area sovrastante la piazza sarà realizzato un parco per favorire l’aggregazione tra famiglie, con spazio giochi per bambini, creando un’integrazione totale con il ristorante presente i cui locali sono di proprietà del comune e l’antistante neo piazza.Redevelopment and infrastructure of the coastal stripDOWN TO THE SEAThe proposed concept is intended to transform the way down the sea and the related circle traffic and squares, spaces except pedestrian way, sidewalk in stone, stone pavement - trachyte Fordingbridge, equipped with several facilities as showers, kiosks, etc. .. All elements with ‘modest’ size, refer to the construction of pastoral Sardis folds, to the volume which is completely built stone, surmounted by wood and glass structures in order to dose and filter the light. Another characteristic element of the intervention on the slopes to the sea is the complete reversal of the parking system, which will be placed at the head of each comb, the intersection of each slope and the SP 81 and particularly camouflaged in green. Each circile will be placed a wind factor with limited size and of sufficient power (probably 5 kW / m) that will supply energy needs for the area, such as services, kiosks and street lighting in the same circle, which is made of light materials and technological equipment with low energy consumption. The environmental impact of the wind turbine will be almost nil, given the opportunity to paint the elements which is up with the colors that contextualized into the environment.