"New Visions for a possible future across the US-MEX Metropolitan Border"
by Riccardo Del Fabbro and Nicola Montuschi
advisor: Peter Zellner
Rene Peralta
Miguel Buenrostro
Alfonso Medina
Jorge Gracia
ELA - Escuela Libre de Arquitectura - Tijuana
A+D - Architecture + Design Museum - Los Angeles
Dora Epstein Jones
SCI-ARC Southern California Institute of Architecture
Master of Design Research in City Design, Planning and Policy - SCI-FI - Future Initiatives
September 2016
Tijuana and San Diego are divided and connected.
How can we treat a wide scale that absorbs social-political fragmentations?
How can we manage different ecologies inside an urban and anthropic landscape?
This plurality belongs to different social geographies in conflict.
They persist to produce mutual profits through diverse interdependences.
If we think about these ecologies, what are the solutions to connect them?
Are there possibilities to read the micro realities and understand them, while at the same time reading the macro trends?
How can we mix diversities while not denying identities?
Developing aggregations that can support cultural and economical growth.
Let's think about dense and dynamic scenarios.
The Tijuana/San Diego metropolitan area gives us the chance to produce an understanding on possible realities.
Realities in which differences are the common ground for connections.
Realities in which divisions become permeable and discrepancies become generative moments of social and economical patterns.