Establishing an architectural housing series in the middle of the island generates a new starting line and expresses the desire to strike the public’s imagination in a spatial, mental and contextual manner. The choice of the site, in the middle of the island, is the cornerstone to a contribution to the area’s history. The project is highly visible to the walkers and it participates to the land art-type architecture. Houses are built on stilts in order to reduce the impact of construction on the site: architecture gives the impression to float through the trees. The three-dimensional line, by creating a punctuation effect, comes to life with rotating panels. The skyline is transformed in the hands of the visitors. When opened, the panels orient the public’s gaze in different directions,drawing people’s attention on controversial island’s elements (the ill public places, the bridge and its cancerous embankment, Hydro-Québec dangerous facilities, the flooded part of the island, the suburbs and its mass-produced houses, the environment destroyed by large trails, the abandoned vegetation and its neglected fauna, etc.).