Kuro Home-Kai Shibuya is a home in an existing hybrid residential-office complex. Kai means “party meeting” in Japanese, or its total name means Black Home Party in Shibuya, a neighborhood in central Tokyo known for its festive nightlife. The customer of this house desired to renovate the empty space into a party space, where he also wanted the standard program of a house in it. All existing walls and floors had to be removed to wrap the entire house with a thick layer of music proof insulation. The designed living room is the largest room in the house where he and his friends are able to party, play and watch movies by a projector. The party area is expandable by keeping sliding doors open between the living room and the entrance hall, and between the living room and the bedroom, so something on the projector screen can also be seen from the bed. When reselling to the following residents, there is a flexible choice between 2 separate rooms or 1 large space.
The dynamic wooden sliding door elements come from the Japanese traditional building concept and the details of the cabinets and doors give a touch of the Japanese style. The static elements are the concrete exposed beams, which form a frame throughout the house. The coarseness of the ceiling and beams give it a Western allure. The idea of the style of the interior is a combination of Japanese and Western, which fits well with the identity of the resident and EEMY.