The new Losbates school is an opportunity to give the community of Louňovice, Štíhlice, Babice, Thovec and Svojetice a new magnet center for social interaction, where learning, arts and sports share common grounds in a dynamic and interactive way.
The organic shapes of both the individual function volumes as well as the central ring connecting them, allows for flawless circulation, guaranteeing inclusiveness of all parts into a single, new cultural hub.
Here the library, with its central courtyard, becomes the center and focal point around which the school, auditorium, gym, cafeteria, and art school revolve.
The circular volumes, which individually enclose one or more functions, not only negate the front-back hierarchy of most buildings replacing it with a continuous perimeter “front”, but also allow for physical and visual interaction with both the surrounding landscape and the residential setting. Simultaneously, the proximity of the volumes to each other, their mutual interaction, allows for vibrant interior and exterior areas for socializing, playing, studying and resting, creating visual links to the surrounding site.