Kamikatsu in Tokushima prefecture is committed to zero waste, aiming to become a sustainable recycling society. On the premise that a paradigm shift for production and sales processes is essential in achieving zero waste, a private-sector business inspired by the principles of this town launched this project with the concept of integrating a shop that sells beer and others by weight, brewery, and a pub. As the word “pub” comes from “public house,” we decided to bring the principles of the community, the wisdom and ways of the people towards waste to form through architecture. Our aim was creating a public house so that the community could feel pride in their actions.
To create continuity of production and consumption, we started by positioning functions in chronological order in the linear building—from the raw material warehouse to the brewery and then to the pub where the beer will be served. To make the pub a local symbol when looking up from the town, the windows comprising fittings from abandoned houses were set eight meters high. We gathered windows that illuminated the town in the past and dedicated our wish that they would serve as a lantern of hope to shine upon the town struggling with a declining population. The space is full of improvisation and discoveries with this creative combination of waste material for this architecture.
Not only the architecture conserves energy and resources, and reduces harmful emissions though 3R, it is starting to enhance a circulation of the regional economy as well as tourism. Moreover, by embodying the town’s vision within everyday life, the locals gathering at this are beginning to realize their actions are fun and creative. Although this architecture is a small low-cost, it embraces the grand dream of contributing to creating a sustainable social system.