KAIZEN HOLDINGS is located in a Neobasque building from 1940 in Caracas, Venezuela. The 764 sq ft space was conceived as a multipurpose office space where different activities could coexist. The office users are mainly software developers and salesmen, and for them it was important that the space was flexible, casual and inviting. The design team developed a layout where three main spaces flow around three tables, each one designed for a different use or activity: work, interact and play.
The work table, designed for a dynamic workspace, serves as a modular surface that can be rearranged according to the developer’s needs. The meeting table defines a conference room that can be closed with pivotal panels for privacy and the dining/ping pong multipurpose table creates a space for recreation and social interaction.
The building's original brick walls were exposed to highlight the existing materials and to create an industrial look and feel. Materials like concrete, polycarbonate, and steel were included to reinforce the industrial and relaxed environment. Teak wood was used for furniture, framing and other elements while cement tiles were used in the restroom’s walls and floor. A custom ventilation concrete block was designed and site manufactured to divide and create a visual barrier between the restroom area and the workspace table.
All of the materials, lighting fixtures and objects were sourced from local suppliers, always looking to do special things with everyday objects, by highlighting them and using them in new environments. Is ObraVerde’s philosophy to pay special attention to details through the design and construction processes.