Richard Breit (DUS) was contracted as an independent design consultant by Woods Bagot to lead the
design team in developing a vision master plan for a key site in Dubai, UAE. This was a quick 6 week project aimed to establish the vision and test the potential for future development of the site.
The Vision was to create an inspirational and aspirational urban landscape that represents Dubai’s future and provides a new luxurious lifestyle asset for the residents of the city. The landscape will unify and stitch the district with the surrounding environment. Jumeirah Hills Master Plan will have to embody a strong
Gulf Arab identity through contemporary adaptation and respectful environment. The strategic location of the site is centred between Dubai’s 2 urban districts and has the potential to define the aspirations for the identity of Dubai for all market segments, present and future.
Due to the disparate existing developments around the site, landscape will play a fundamental role in unifying and stitching the district together, whilst the building typologies within the urban development define a new skyline.
The concept is driven by a holistic value proposition: to add value to the place through allocating public centres, distributing densities, making public transport easily accessible, while simultaneously enhancing views and creating distinguished districts. The plan for Jumeirah Hills is to embody different user experiences through multiple building typologies to create public, private and multi purpose spaces.