The design was made for the transformation of an existing, traditional jewellery shop into an “Atelier for Jewellery”. Besides the sale of jewellery from the well-known brands, goldsmith Lanckohr’s own jewellery collection is made in the atelier, and clients can produce their own jewellery together with the goldsmith. Thus, the atelier forms the heart of the design.
The interior of the existing jewellery shop was dated and unstructured, but above all, it offered no room for the goldsmith’s atelier, a cornerstone of the business. The characteristic shape of the floor plan and the desire to keep a few elements, such as the semi-circular, wooden cabinet room divider,—also because of the limited budget —were givens in the design.
In the concept for the new interior, the existing space with its many corners is materialised abstractly, in which the showcases displaying the jewellery are the only and vibrant accents. The showcases with the jewellery are located in the walls that enclose the space and in the white, cubist furniture, where the jewellery can also be tried on.
Through a newly created opening in the floor, the shop is connected to the goldsmith’s atelier, which is located in the existing basement. Immediately after entering the shop, a large mirrored wall is visible at the back of the space. This mirror, measuring almost 6 metres high, is placed diagonally in the double-height space and offers a view of the studio. The wooden workbench and the special tools provide a nice contrast and form a second accent in the white interior of the “Atelier for Jewellery”.