Jean Lurçat Collège is situated at the junction of twotopographical fabrics; landscape and cityscape. The adjacentcityscape, an unstructured area of scattered low-rise detachedhousing constitutes the neighbourhood’s identity and presentsa friendly human scale.Within the proximity of the site the Parc des Sports opensonto the La Courneuve park, providing the school with anopen vista and contextual ties with the green spaces andgardens of the city.The structure is integrated into the site, avoiding abstruction ofthe park, while simoultaneously linking the domestic maternalscale of the housing by defining elements of transparencywithin the built volume. This series of separate but linkedvolumes, orientated North-South for maximum sunlight , followa curve definedby the extents of the park.The architectural treatment of the metal roof pans introducesvariations and rhythm to create coloured modulations ofdifferent light on the façades of each level.