Technical and design problems involved and the elected solutions previous and during the worksDemolitions and cleaningsIn order to recover the vocational, space and structural aspect of the house, the intervention foreseesto demolish of all those building elements that alter or get their physiognomy dirty. So that , thewooden partition that separates the kitchen from the entrance disappears in the first storey , in order tointegrate the fireplace in the access space. They withdraw all the compartment items to recover theunity of these atmospheres in the second and third storeys.The demolition of the shed, placed outside, built in nowadays way that shelters a room and a toilet inorder to recover the traditional image of the tower.In the lower storey we foresee cleaning and disinfection works to evacuate the organic detritus storedduring years and to clean up, with it, the building ground and the outburst of the stone walls.Readjustments of foundationsThe process of laundry of the foundation and of partial disintegration of the base of the stone wall havebeen taken in the SE and SW facades and the project by means of a consistent readjustment in thesupplement of the current foundation with another of concrete, fixed to the previous one, besides thefriction by bars of steel of high resistance. If in some moment, the top mark of the new foundationovercomes the level of the ground, the project foresees to cover it with soil and to sow with grassagain.Stone facadeWe will clean the base of the stone wall to fulfil the previous task by cleaning the joints and fillingthem again with liquid cement of high resistance that guarantees their long lastWe foresee a similar process to seal the cracks of the SE, SW and NW facades. And we have alsoprojected the repair of the rejoint of the base under the same standards.Due to the conditions of the base reinstatement the quality and quality of the material will be like inform, dimension and disposition of the pieces, to those presented by the rest of the tower in goodconservation state.The wooden structuresThe work on the wooden structure is different for the first two storeys or for the two last ones. In thebase levels, the project decides to supplement the wooden beams, of great section and much lightwith metallic reinforcements that will impede the appearance of arrows, and they will allow a biggerload of the upper storeys. This task will keep away the pillars and to appear "apeos".In the upper storeys we main the approach, on the other hand, we get off the items that load and wesubstitute the bad piecesWhen we lack in many pieces of the original structure, especially the props of the central andperimetral pillars of the second and third storeys and some secondary girders of the third storey, thiswork includes their reinstatement to recover the initial aspect of the structure and also to guaranteeits correct work and operation.Wooden facadeThe project is awared that this element defines the more the building. It is extremely careful in thereinstatement of the wooden scaffold that is carried out with oak board, properly protected, of 3 cm. ofthickness and 25 2 cms. of width. The height of the pieces is determined by the place of the perimeterstructure and its restoration follows the same approaches that the wooden structure of these storeysthat serves it as support. With this approach, the layers diminish progressively in height, at the timethat some lay on other to guarantee a good evacuation of water. The sideway folds are designed ashalf wood.The windows open up small, in a conopial way those recovered and rectangular the other ones,clipped in the fine wooden layer.CoverMost of the solivos and the diagonals supports are not in good condition and the project foresees thetotal substitution of the cover. The new cover, identical in shape and slope to the previous onesolves with a similar structure the old one, in oak wood, on which supports a sandwich that containsinside a thermal isolation material. The lower end of this sandwich will consist on wooden oak planksthat will show the current aspect of the entrecubierta quite faithfully. The upper end will be of Arabictiles and of the recovery.Due to the high economic cost of the intervention, the project has been carried out in two successivephases: the first one that includes, in general lines, the consolidation of the foundation and thereparation and restoration of the stone base, besides the reinforcement of the wooden structure of thelower levels and of the total substitution of the cover, and the second that embraces, fundamentally,the performance on the wooden structure of the superior plants and the reinstatement of the scaffold.It would be desirable to reiterate what we announced previously about this project to continue the nextadaptations of the palace to a concrete use and for it, this study dares to present, under the name ofannexes, the enclosure solution that, for the author of the work, it would be convenient to carry out inthe second and third layers , in order to get the estanco state and the necessary air conditioning to itshabitability. This solution consists on the rising of a box of internal glass that, without impeding thevision of the external wooden box and without breaking into fragments a space deserved to be open,allow the attainment of the conditions of the right comfort for the modern life. These notes couldserve in the wait for more concrete and rigorous studies.The works have been financed by the Institucion Principe de Viana of the Department of Educationand Culture of the Navarre Government.