The initial theme of
the final graduation project "The metropolis urban dynamics: a scenographic
composition of big cities" originated from the proposal and the designed object:
an itinerant movie theater. This object is defined as an ephemeral architecture
of cultural diffusion. This text understands the city as an image, an image in
constant transformation and change, as described by Kevin Lynch in "The
Image of the City", and seeks to understand its relation with the
architecture of transformation and of movement, the ephemeral architecture. Is
the city ephemeral in itself? What is the relation of these constant changes
and passersby? What is the architecture’s relation to these dynamics? Can architecture
be ephemeral? Can the image of the city be static? Cinema for what? Cinema for
whom? Why cinema? These are some of the issues raised.Object that will be modular and itinerant, to film screenings and abroad, creating the program:to be call "Project C.I.N.E."The goal is to bring the cinema of the life of the city, and set the scene the place to be inserted. With its intriguing way, the proposal creates an obstacle to the attention of people in order to create a new look at the scenario that often goes unnoticed, the intent and provide the "native" "look foreign"