Located on xʷəyeyət (Iona Island) in Richmond, BC, the Iona Island Wastewater Treatment Plant (IIWWTP) is one of the last wastewater treatment plants in North America’s west coast with only primary level treatment. This project will upgrade the plant to tertiary-level treatment with a complementary range of ecological restoration projects developed to restore the ecological processes of north Sturgeon Bank and protect the diversity of ecosystems on Iona Island.
Natural estuarine processes in the Fraser Estuary have been disrupted by existing infrastructure, directly impacting juvenile salmon and other aquatic species. This project will reconnect the river and sea by reopening the causeway, creating off-channel habitat, and restoring intertidal wetlands. Regenerating and expanding the freshwater wetland complex and restoring upland areas will enhance native and novel habitats and benefit numerous aquatic and terrestrial species, including the many birds that use Iona Island as a stopover on the Pacific Flyway.
The project also presents an opportunity to advance reconciliation in British Columbia by developing meaningful partnerships with xʷməθkʷəy̓əm/Musqueam and other Indigenous groups. xʷməθkʷəy̓əm/Musqueam representatives are actively involved in the project, sharing priorities and interests through ongoing workshops. Priorities include supporting traditional harvesting, facilitating access for traditional resource use, encouraging cultural practices, and recognition through signage and naming.
Beyond public health benefits realized through improved effluent quality, the project will contribute to the long-term protection of community health. Upgrades to the existing IIWWTP will ensure safe, resilient, and effective wastewater treatment for the Vancouver Sewerage Area throughout the twenty-first century. Ecological restoration projects and park improvements will protect the Iona Beach Regional Park to foster accessible relationships between people and nature. Odor emissions will be controlled through a series of odor control systems to the impact of the IIWWTP on nearby sensitive receptors including Musqueam, park users, hospitals, homes, and schools.