Design PrinciplesPushkinsky Cinema is representing the culture of an ended sensational era.Being part of a spesific political and cultural approach, Pushkinsky Cinema isone of the examples of modern architecture of its age.The main approach of the proposed design is keeping the spirit of the existingPushkinsky Cinema Building and adding a sustainable contemporary design which has a strong interaction with the city.First step is renovating the facades of the existing building by preserving its original architectural style and removing all decorative elements. The second step is to link a contemporary addition to the existing building that will not interfere with the existing architecture style. Additional glass block will be constructed with structural glass grid system which allows the visibility of the renovated original facade and provides a new open space for public. This new space will serve as an open air foyer for the cinema involving digital info boards, self print ticket machines and unique pieces of contemporary arts.Pushkinsky Cinema should have a stronger relation with this popular square inMoscow. This relation has an important role in the design principle of the newlandscape which makes the square more interactive providing a strongerconnection with the building. Pushkinsky Square, an important meeting point, isnow turned out to be a place where people will like to spend time. People willbe able to get information regarding the movies or events from digital boards,watch events or activities that might take place at Pushkinsky square on theelevated cubic platforms. The stairs are embedded into the landscape and can bereached from cubic platforms on every level.The existing building and the new linked block will represent their ownexistences without interfering each other. Two structures will stand togetherwhile keeping their own characteristics.