The "Ministerio de Cultura" in Cusco is a sede from this public and statal institution, who first goal involves in heritage architectural conservation. However, this institution do not have its own building, so, it is needed to have its own building where to develop their own activities. That is the reason of this project, who is emplaced in a modern sector of Cusco city.
Urban parameters for this sector allow maximum seven-story buildings, and other technical aspects.
The budget for the implementation aspect of the work is being managed by the institution.
The formal aspect of the project includes elements of Inca culture in both its plant and facades and volume.
It has seven levels and one basement as its General Director asked. It has two enters: in main avenue is the main entrance; at its back, enter to all kind of vehicles.
About general plan, the volume through the north is located next to first avenue. Through the south, is a big yard for use as visitor parking and institutional vehicles.