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300,000 sqft - 500,000 sqft
$1M - 5M
INSTANT BRIDGE. Concept and Project
In the past
the majority of bridges in the city were typically inhabited neighbourhoods,
where the houses blended perfectly, which reflected the architecture of the
surrounding housing, with the bridge which crossed over the river. This
characteristic is found again in the historical “Ponte Vecchio” of Florence which survives
unchanged until the present with its direct connection between the architecture
of the bridge and river.
The “InstantBridge” is derived from the idea to
subvert the normal canon of a pedestrian bridge starting from a sociological
analysis of the neighbourhood. It is an allegorical and a reflective
transformation of a pedestrian bridge to something enjoyable for all the
neighbourhood with the objective to transmit the metamorphosis of a brick
structure to something cultural.


In recent
years the Pigneto has undergone a notable evolution and transformation from a
working-class neighbourhood to a neighbourhood which is culturally and
artistically alive. Looking around the neighbourhood however one notices a
strong disintegration of this artistic material, relegated to small existing
shops that still qualify it as an artistic neighbourhood on the to way to becoming
developed. In the interiors are foreseen diverse functions distributed over 14
levels for a total height of 45 metres. The various functions are displaced at
the levels and reached by glass lifts positioned at the extreme sides of the
building and across an internal system of escalators.
Every level
is planned for a different purpose with materials and colours which accentuate
spaces. The materials used are low cost, recyclable as with the paintings


The ground
level coincides with the present pedestrian bridge. The bridge itself comes
partly from the substitution of the bearing structure of the building
characterised by a chain of stainless steel beams (inox) and generated by the
idea of the molecular composition of the diagram of Voronoi.


Arts and Crafts
On the first
two levels of the building there are detached shops which specialize in artisan
work of various materials with the idea of integrating the arts with
sustainability, reuse and recycling.
flexibility of these levels is due to the creativity of open spaces, where the
flexibility remains possible on the interior of every area without the threat
that once section can be an obstacle to another and with possibility of moving
the partitions and therefore creating one open space on the entire level.
This is made
possible thanks to the use of dividing panels made of materials which are
characteristic of physical diversity at times absorbing a spectrum of frequent
The floors,
the walls and the ceilings are all of various tones of colour, but at the
inside the panels of every work room are neutral colours, calm, more favourable
in creating a relaxed working environment.
Work Rooms
From the 3rd
to the 6th level spaces will be completely dedicated to the
development of artistic activities, from an experimental theatre, to music,
dance, painting and sculpture.
The various
functions are detached on different levels, organized always as open-spaces colours
achieved with re-used and recycled materials. These spaces can be utilized by
associations or they can be rented out singularly, they are spaces which must
be utilized with the purpose to work in shared areas.


Exhibition Spaces
From the 6th
to the 9th level an entire area will be entirely dedicated to the
exhibition of both work of International level as well as the promotion of
young artists.


Café` and Restaurant
at the top levels of the building there will also be work spaces for
experimental cooking geared at creating gastronomical innovations in a
neighbourhood strongly influenced by new tastes.


The two
linings which cover the building and which adjust opportunely to the structure
in stainless steel in a molecular form are composed of floatglass which
guarantees a lucidity of superficial static resistance , a possibility of
curvature at minor costs of production. The glass which is used is floatglass
covered entirely with polythene resin.
The white
resin besides giving the desired colour offers an element of security for the
seal in case of breakage. Externally the flight of stairs are sealed with black
Both the
glass panels and the stainless steel structures have been obtained from a 3D module.
To hold the capacity of the stability of the glass it has been considered glass
sheets of maximum width of 1.25 metres by 3.00 metres in length. The glass
panes are always placed on the edges of the structure in stainless steel. In
relation of the foreseen concern of the wind and snow and based on the
position, the glass sheets are actually classified in diverse types. The glass
panels subjected to major concern are tightened by gluing at the intersection
of the same stainless glass’ stainless steel cable connections.  The three dimensional models of every glass
panel serves as a base to form the stainless steel structure.


Stainless Steel
The structure
in  stainless steel is obtained from the
clever use of unused rail lines given by the State Railways. The stainless
steel is brought to the foundry where it is fused, melted and treated again to
obtain stainless steel inox.
structure carrying a frame of stainless steel composed of vertical sheets of 8
12 mm in thickness
and placed at variable interactions.
Between the
crosswire cable connections which give origin to a network cable composed of
corrugated iron sheets up to 5 metres in height.


Structural Aspects
From a close
structural analysis of the building, considering the seismic grade relative to
the Town Council of Rome, it has been verified that the structure in stressful
conditions will react in a stable manner in the event of accidental and natural
events. On the sides are depicted the diagrams (on a portion of the structure)
moments, norms, and flexible moments distributed on the shell in direction “Y”,
the geometry and the distorted structure enlarged by 300 times.


Stainless Steel Structure
The bearing
structure, the façade and element of the contained space mould into a single
three dimensional element. Hence it results into a very efficient and anti-seismic
structure which requires 30% less stainless steel in comparison to a structure
composed of columns and beams. The green structure thrusts to cover superior
lights at 15 metres, with the possibility to match a height of 5.20 metres of
structure on the 1st  level.
Standard tubular tires are used with suitable sections welded by hand. The exact
position of every tubular cable of stainless steel is defined by a GPS in
reference to a three dimensional model.


Grand curved
structural elements, in combination with the principal beams contribute to
sustain the cones of the building thanks to a large rim made in stainless steel
which winds and ties the entire structure.


Energies and
Renewed Springs
aspects tied to the environmental sustainability is the exploitation of the
natural ventilation, the control of the solar radiation, the use of thermal
mass and the clever articulation of the spaces.
The most
complex and interesting aspect of the building is due to the careful planning
and maintained by a natural ventilation system. The building favours internal ventilation
creating the so-called chimney affect. The hot air rises towards the ceiling
and becomes partially recuperated for the heating and partially dispatched. The
system has been planned considering the orientation of the building so as to
take advantage of the prevalent direction of the wind.


In addition
to this natural ventilation system, is a system of water mains which winds up
the entire building and collects the rainwater directly from the catchment
areas connected to the roof of the building and carrying it towards the
internal surroundings. The use of these advantages reduces by only 1 KW the use
of additional lighting.


The air-cooling
is supported by a system of hoses that collect the water at a temperature of 12
degrees C and channels it towards a heat exchange (a system of solar collectors
by vacuum-sealed tubes).


The total
usage of energy necessary for the installation is therefore reduced by 20%
compared to an office building of equal dimensions.
The system
of ramified pipes, which winds around the entire building enables at the same
time to shield the internal surroundings from the solar rays and favours the
affects of the sun on the facades.


integration of these systems reduces the emissions of CO2 by about 300 tons a
year and the use of energy by 20% so as to save approximately 1 million euros
for the energy costs calculated for a period of about twenty five years.


characterising element of the building is the external lining composed of 490
panes of glass which together with the tubular system constitutes an
environmental veil, a grand cover which uses the design of the tubes to become
at the same time a “brise soleil” making it possible to regulate the
contribution of light in the internal surroundings by a field of different
openings obtained from the thickening of the tubes corresponding to the
surrounding work places and studios.


The external
surface of the InstantBridge is constituted of
a lining of the thermatically treated glass to confer to the opportune shapes
and geometries which follow the interspaces of creativity. The surfaces connect
towards the “eyes’ of the InstantBridge, vivacious
expressions of the existence of vitality of the area. The exterior surfaces are
treated with a layer of titanium dioxide to create an effect of self-cleaning
remaining unaltered in time. So that, when it is exposed to solar light, the
covering reacts chemically decomposing the organic grime allowing the rainwater
to run on the glass removing the desolved dirt.  In this way the surfaces remain clean. The
trajectories surfaces cross the perimeters which define the “eyes” creating
play and movement altering the visible balance of the building. The InstantBridge brings vitality where once
reigned darkness.


Salvaging rainwater and microclimatic well-being
On the
higher side a system has been invented for water collection which provides  a collector, natural and industrial filters,
hydraulic pumps and tank. This system similar to human skin that through the
contained space between the two surfaces (floatglass walls) therefore in the
structural interspace, will collect the rainwater which will be used as needed
by the building and the landscape on the railway vallum. For example it is
possible to apply in some zones of the surfaces of the sprinklers with
vaporizers, which in some hours of the day and particular climatic conditions
(summer), nebulize the water gathered winding the Instant Bridge in a light
mist which will bring microclimatic benefits. The water tanks, pools,
mechanically closeable can be inserted to the sides of the InstantBridge
so that the evaporation of the mirror of water on the “lower levels” will bring
further climatic benefits. In this the InstantBridge
is an example of microclimatic architectural well-being.


Smart Pipes
There are
two systems of pipes to utilize the rainwater: a system of “blue pipes” and a
system of “red pipes”. The system of the blue pipes which collects the
rainwater from the collection tank placed under cover in a probe and a detector
of temperature which heats the water which is then distributed to the various
levels. The system of the red pipes, instead is utilized for the natual ventilation
of the building, the air infact enters through small suction holes placed
undercover and through the heating system to be circulated in the various
areas. This system functions like a cover in which flow veins and arteries
which bring the liquids to nourish the body.
Lighting Systems
In the
internal of the building a very shiny surface is used, in reinforced polyethylene
with glass fibres, which on the inside is inserted a refractor of acrylic
translucent glass which diffuses the light with homogeneity and mixes the
colours in an ideal way.


precision of the mixed colours is due to modules of LED lights which emit
indirect light in various directions. The springs are combined to a system
tonality invented by Zumpbotel which enable programming and activation of any
scene of light. The bent and faceted structure follows the lines of the
building. It is composed of a pneumatic membrane subdivided in panels of ETFE.
The lighting which varies and sound design transform the internal space of the InstantBridge into a wide flux, free and
enjoyable from the 1st level to the sky bar of the last level for a
acoustic and totally different experience.
lightness of the elements which cover the building (thermoformatic glass) and
the extraordinary characteristics of the materials are underlined by night due
to the embedded lights in the ground fitted with metallic iodine lamps of
excellent chromatic strength and an elevated temperature of colours projecting
on the panel platings of indirect light and which spread along all the vallum
of the railway- landscape. The building thus becomes a chromatic focal point
for the entire neighbourhood considered also as an element of recognition of an
area of strong, historic worth.


For direct
lighting, embedded wall lights have been used and a lighting system at LEDs.
The lights are placed on the inside of the two surfaces composed of panels of
floatglass, the elevators are accompanied on both sides by more than 160m of
handrail LED rail and by a continuous illuminated line of LED on the bottom,
while a lens reflects the light of the LED and illuminates the surface of the
stairway and all the steps.
The lighting
intensifies the extraordinary shape and lightness of the structure in stainless
steel which supports the entire building, revealing like a lantern, in a
discreet way, the “intimate” part of the building.


Landscape (the railway vallum)
Energy from pedestrian


In the lines
designated for the pedestrian crossing and motorcyclists it is planned to use a
floating pavement or a pavement that has the capacity to gather energy from the
passing of the people and motorcycles by the pressure/deformation of electric
materials. The Energy accumulators can redistribute the energy drawn for the
diverse needs of the InstantBridge. Also it is
foreseen to connect in some zones of the Instant Bridge a thin layer of photovoltaic
cells capable of generating 1 KWp every 10 square metres so as to contribute to
the energy already produced by the floating pavement.
The InstantBridge
will therefore become a generator of clean energy, a bionic tower, an energetic
“coat” in the heart of Rome.
In this case the InstantBridge is an example of
Architecture of renewable energy.
For example
you could refurnish of LED of the latest generation (OLED) of this energy of which
at the pedestrian/motorcycle crossing illuminates particular zones of the InstantBridge.



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