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Innovative bioclimatic school  

Innovative bioclimatic school

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Other Projects by U.rban S.ustain A.rchitecture

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Public Library After The Name of E.P. Kushnaryov

Innovative bioclimatic school

100,000 sqft - 300,000 sqft
Preliminary analysis of
ancient Cretan temples shows presence of atria as a common ground in all cases.
So, we decided not to deviate from this vernacular tradition. Actually atria
are one of ancient bioclimatic techniques. Atrium shades and protects from
direct sun, shelters from winds and gales, creates microclimate and ozonizes
with plants and water edges. Three school blocks rounded up the atrium with the
pool – impluvium. The common roof with crater-like compluvium covers all blocks
and shelters callers. Entire rectangular outline is quite simple. Building
layout is formed by local wind rose and relief. The complex lays on the slope
of vale between two hills. Wind pressure and wind rose contributes to the passive
ventilation and cooling of the premises. The school is intended not only to be
a bioclimatic building itself but also to create a common ground for education in
order to manage environment in sustainable way through applied sources. Those
are the Technopark and Organic farm situated aside the complex. Pupils can try
to handle with sustainable technologies within school area and understand on
their own what sustainability is. The complex is intended to generate 100%
renewable energy on site. Youngsters have the possibility to see and take part
in workshops from the cradle. Eco-friendly conscious education has the crucial
importance for sustainable future.
The school complex has
three space volumes those are the Kindergarten, the Primary school and the Secondary
school. Administration block is combined with the Kindergarten and situated on
the roof level above. Underground parking per 28 vehicles lays under the
Secondary school and has driveway from the road side. Ground parking lot per 5
vehicles and per 3 buses is located aside the road. Sport grounds lay northward
of the building. Roadside hill is planted with orchards and flowerbeds. The
remote hill side provides lines of vertical axis wind generators. Bush maze
shaped like world map is located southward.
Bioclimatic principles
for this project are versatile. Usage of local advantages of wind power and
direction, precipitations, sun, ground water makes the complex
energy-independent. And even more has to make it an energy supplier for other
university facilities. Each class has maximum insulation as well as
daylighting. Automatic blinds on façade envelope regulate solar gain. Natural
wind streams are used for natural ventilation by windcatchers on the roof.
Façade/roof envelope equipped by photovoltaic elements, planted modules,
ventilation valves, daylighting closures, climate and movement sensors.
Building maintenance system controls all engineer networks through sensors and
Layout. The
building layouts between two hills in the mountain vale on a slope. Space is
sufficiently blown through by Mediterranean winds and sunlit by Greek sun.
Turned position of plan provides sufficient insulation and daylighting. Parking
lot placed in 15m limit area. Parking lot is equipped with electro charging
points. School buses stop close. Comfortable wide walkway guides to the
sheltered main entry area. Each school level has separate entry. Stuff parking
lays under the Secondary school block. Atrium inside is the common space to
socialize and play. There are the decorative pond and the swimming pool of 25m
long in the atrium. Wind passes through the atrium and closures in the façade
envelope, mixes with evaporated water from the pond and creates a matchless
Heating/ventilation/cooling. Winters are quite mild on
Crete so effective insolation is not obligatory. However building envelope has
to protect from temperature drop in winter and overheating in summer. Pipe
cooling system installed in floors. Heat pump provide exact temperature level
in each room but works only in the periods when natural cooling/heating is not
sufficient. Façade louvers regulate solar gain during daytime all the year.
Water edges in the atrium area decrease temperature in summer time. All
engineer networks are installed into multilayered slabs. Ducts and plenums
connect windcatchers and façade closures with room aerators. Layout of the
building and wind rose intends usage of natural ventilation par excellence but
a mechanical recuperated ventilation system is installed either and
predominantly is used in winter time. Bright colors of façade finishes reflect
direct sun rays.
Daylighting/electric efficiency. Efficient daylighting
provided by perimeter glass walls. Two sunlight rooftop collectors provide
natural daulighting even in cloud weather. Artificial lighting uses LED
technology and meters for energy efficiency. The complex divided into lighting
zones. Those afford to reduce power consumption using light sensors. Hybrid
street lights use solar irradiation and wind for supply.
Renewables. There are four types of renewables.
Photovoltaic elements installed into the envelope. There are protein-based PV panels those are more efficient than
silicon. The second renewable is wind generators. Only vertical axis wind
generators are used so as they does not create electromagnetic field and
vibration disturbance. Three types of VAWTs are provided: rooftop, ground
mounted and street light. The third renewable type is anaerobic digester. This
reactor uses organic waste and sewage for electricity-cum-gas generation. Also
it serves for education. The fourth type is the algae photoreactor. This
reactor makes electricity via photosynthesis of algae. Two last renewable types
are situated in the Technopark area.
Water management. Water meters on all levels of
consumption control water usage. The rainharvesting system collects
precipitations and stores as grey water in underground tanks. Different
sustainable technologies reduce water consumption either. Those are tap
aerators, hot water recuperators, dual flushes in WCs, tap sensors. Potable
water supplies from a ground water horizon.
Waste management. Six fractions of segregation have to
be implemented for waste management. Six types of bins ought to be placed at
entryways, hallways, play and sport grounds: for organic waste, paper/wood,
glass, metal/cans, plastic, complex chemical elements (electronic gadgets,
batteries, etc).
Permaculture. In order to accustom pupils to
agriculture an organic farm has to be organized. Youngsters can grow
agriculture plants for food, breed pigs and poultry. This facility will help
them to create wider view of the universe.

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