This new acute care bed tower expands the Indianapolis campus, consolidating its existing services. The cost effective strategy and design solution creates efficiencies and positions the hospital to be more responsive in the future. The layout enhances wayfinding, minimizes staff travel distances and creates separate entries for patients and staff. The design is intended to improve staff morale and productivity and enhance recruitment and retention. By preserving a fast-track outpatient experience, creating a healing environment and focusing on the family, the design is expected to improve patient satisfaction. The project adds 221 beds and includes expansion of the emergency, imaging, surgery and clinical support services.An updated master planning exercise drove appropriate location for the new facility expansion. The new master plan provided for connectivity at all levels of the facility; integrating the existing and new hospitals together in the true spirit of consolidation. An existing courtyard was creatively in-filled with the majority of this new 500,000 square feet addition. This infill created natural connections to be made at all levels of the facility in a seamless fashion – minimizing travel distances.