Designed for and installed at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Inspired by science, technology, and the arts, all of the etched images relate to studies at one of the different schools at RIT. “…everything from the binary system to the black hole.” The architectural glass creates a wall that divides yet connects two areas within the Administrative Services Building, Innovation Center. The Innovation Center showcases innovative, multidisciplinary projects from the programs and disciplines offered at RIT. The opposite side contains a lobby that provides students with access to Administrative Services.
The artwork was designed to draw daylight into the administrative services lobby and preserve the view of the outdoors. The glass wall is designed to both connect and separate the two areas. The design also comes to life with artificial lighting.
This project was a Design Build Project which started with a generic wave as a place holder on the elevations. The artist researched and introduced the Bose Einstein Condensate Theory wave from which many scientific theories are based, to the design, thus making the design more meaningful to the Institute.
The design functions well for a space that serves many different functions from research activities, displaying projects, formal and informal events. A diverse student, faculty and visitor population frequent the lobby side for various types of interaction and reflection.