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How to remove snow from your roof  

How to remove snow from your roof

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How to remove snow from your roof

One of the main functions of a roof is to protect the members of your household from the less friendly weather conditions. That requires premium insulation to get the most out of your roof, according to your climate and a high-functional drainage system.
To prevent further unnecessary costs to your household, it is recommended to regularly maintain a roof to avoid the accumulation of debris.

The problem of snow

In cold climates, one of the main problems is snow. While it may seem a tiresome task, removing snow from your roof on and on again is absolutely necessary in order to prevent the following problems.
First of all, due to irregular cleaning of the roof ice dams can be formed and bring many unnecessary problems. Basically, an ice dam is formed when accumulated snow starts to melt. The process is easily spotted on a sloping roof because of its' pitch. Following the laws of gravity, the snow melts and flows down the roof. In addition to that, layer upon layer upon layer oof snow is created, providing the perfect insulation for the ice beneath to form.
Although a roof is required to withstand the heaviest snowfall for your part of the country, due to lack of maintenance you could significantly shorten the life expectancy of your roof and create problems that could cause grave financial distress.
One of the biggest problems a homeowner has to face in these conditions is the leakage. Since the roof is damaged, it can no longer function the way it was supposed to. Thus resulting in damaged walls, insulation and ceilings.
To prevent such mishaps from happening, here are some helpful tips on how to effectively remove the snow from your roof.

How to remove deal with snow on your roof

First of all, in order to do the job effectively and without taking unnecessary actions, you should learn how to recognize if the amount of snow on your roof is too much without having to climb the roof with a measuring device and a whole arsenal of tools to determine the wetness, depth and weight of the snow.
One of the tell-tale signs are your interior doors. If they begin to stick, that means there is a lot of weight pressuring the center structure of the house. For example, check the doors leading to the second floor or the attic. While checking the door, you might want to pay attention to the surrounding areas. Check the plaster or the drywall around the frame of your door for any visible cracks.
One of the recommended things to do in case you notice an excessive amount of snow is to call a professional snow removal contractor to handle the job. Of course, check to see if they are licensed and insured.

In case you wish to deal with the problem yourself, you can always obtain a long-handled snow rake. They work perfectly on freshly fallen snow and are usually relatively affordable.
One of the other solutions works on the principle of gravity. Nowadays, there are many snow rakes available that slide between the roof and the snow, allowing for a clear fall. However, these work perfectly on light snow. In other words, it works perfectly on the kind of snow that doesn't necessarily need to be removed.

Last of all, remember that your goal is to remove the EXCESSIVE snow from your roof. You shouldn't worry yourself if that last centimeter sticks. Also, don't forget to keep it safe. Take time and prepare the right tools and at least to try approximately calculate the fall of the snow. You wouldn't want it falling on you.

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