The site is located in Shibuya, one of the most prestigious residential areas of Tokyo. As a response to the client's wishes and to the dense context, the residence is conceived as encased in a three storeys high perimetral wall, as a contemporary urban fortification made of exposed concrete.
Inside this solid shell, the house opens up onto a secluded courtyard: sunlight is brought in through the entirely see-through inner façade and indoor spaces result therefore expanded outwards.
The living room and the master bedroom are interlocked spaces: a thin composite floor slab is suspended above the dining area and the sleeping area is defined with a glass wall. Its intimacy is ensured by a vertical layer of louvres positioned along the outer curtain wall.
The courtyard features a stone staircase, leading to the main entrance, and a sculptural fountain. On the high concrete wall are juxtaposed two different finishes, as to rescale its appearance to human proportions: on the lower third concrete is bared, polished until smooth and grooved with 5 cm thick planks as formworks; the upper two thirds are finished with a delicate pale plaster.
Photo credits: Satoshi Shigeta