A deep plot for a row house is split into three vertical volumes. The central void, envisaged as a sky lit court, provides natural light and ventilation. Transparent inward edges of the built volumes on either side offer subtle spatial seduction, by separating the home’s spaces, while being visually accessible. Physically bridged by causeways and the steps, a horizontal plane – the hub of interaction floats in this light court’s vertical and horizontal centre. A tall waterfall along the court's edge calms the senses of those occupying the home. The façade recedes to provide terraces, offering the inhabitants opportunities to enjoy the outdoors, while letting them personalize and humanize the architecture. A cantilevered skin of louvers, allowing unhindered views from the inside, simultaneously screening the interiors from the outside, reinforces privacy. The house’s architecture is realized by details that complement and celebrate its spatial and textural aesthetic