The least can be seen as a way to reachan easy way to the simpleness and a wayof thinking, hoping, at the same time,posibilities that offers ways to workin a creative way.The minimal can be defined as the perfectionof an object when gets its substration,the quality that has gottenwhen the least detail has been reducedto the essential. Its the result fromthe default from the first level.The idea of the simplicity it is ancontinuous issue at many cultures, allof them are searching an free style wayof living that supposed an excess ofpossessions. The world of the minimalalways offers a sensation of freedom,an opportunity of being in contact withthe essential of the simplicity.The simplicity has dimentions that goesfarther than simply esthetic. In factit can be seen as the reflect of somethingunique, an interior quality or aneffort to understand phylosophicaly thenature of harmony, reason and truth.JOHN PAWSON