The HOFFNUNGSHÄUSER modular system is a system for the fast and high-quality planning & building of affordable housing. To realize different building sizes modules are combined according to a clear basic principle. The starting point for the development was the refugee crisis, however, the buildings meet the standard social housing and are designed as innovative and sustainable housing through multifunctional floor plans for different user groups. The HOFFNUNGSHAUS ESSLINGEN ROHRACKERWEG is the second of 7 completed buildings and about a dozen in construction or planning (April 2019).
The BIM-based planning and design allows for a quite low planning effort structures from 12m to 24 m length that respond to different urban planning conditions. Due to the simplification in the modular system, the prefabrication of the elements can be carried out regardless of the location.
On a hillside the wooden buildings are based on a massive basement floor, in almost flat plots there is no basement.