Cite’+ORAD designs Food Salon
Islamabad based firms Cite’ and ORAD collaborated to design an intimate café space by the name of HOB. HOB is located in F-6, Islamabad. A sector populated by retail and corporate activity.
Space has been designed as a food salon for food as an event. Food serves as stimuli for interindividual social interaction for which space is catalyst.
Underlying idea is of a singular social space holding dynamic surface identities for multiple individuals. Space is an accumulation of contrasting entities from organic to engineered, neutral to monotones and geometric to dynamic.
HOB is an A-symmetrical composition of with one continuous commune table on one side, against Multi-linear textured grey wall and the other side is travertine wall with basic shapes etched in contrast. Travertine wall is treated as a mural. Grey color geometric forms are hand painted on natural stone. Diffuse light falls from reflective metal fixtures hanging from the grey matt corniced grid.
Architects: CITE’ , Office for Radical Architecture Disciplines (O.R.A.D)
Location: Islamabad, Pakistan
Area: 106 sqm.
Project Year: 2016
Photographs: Hidaya Zia
Team Cite’: Ali UmerAlvie
Team O.R.A.D: Affan Ahmed, Muhammad Ali, Dawar Zia
Client: Private
Program: Asian Fusion Restaurant
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Mobile/phone number of contact person: +923219100330