This multi-family residential project results from the impressive greenery of the northern adjacent property. The both exterior and interior design aim at the integration of this existing fascination with the new design. The project concerns in the issue on providing the generous relaxation for residents. North facing windows, for instance, are to view this rich greenery of the northern adjacent property. The sunken courtyard, primarily surrounded by the finely textured exposed concrete walls, is a place to enjoy the intimacy, enhanced by the overhanging ivy greenery above, which is from the northern adjacent property.
The project has considerable structural expression. The big cantilevered volume, which sticks out from the main body, is a prime example. Right above the front parking space along the street, this conspicuous structural element appears. This becomes possible by means of the floor high concrete beam within the eastern exterior wall, which runs perpendicular to the main facade. Three dimensional ceramic tiles of 5 centimeter thick are applied to the screen in the main living room. Those are structured both by the penetrating stainless steel rods and carefully applied glue. This ceramic tile screen, with moderate earth color, signifies the key ambience of the interior.
Located in the heart of the downtown residential neighborhood of Tokyo, the project contextually corresponds to the respectful townscape of the vicinity. The façade design primarily tries to achieve the understated quietness. This should to be a part of townhouses in the vicinity.