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Hillcrest Redevelopment Project  

Hillcrest Redevelopment Project

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Hillcrest Redevelopment Project

Hillcrest is a neighborhood in the Mid City area of San Diego, CA. The neighborhood has a very distinctive cultural feel as the historic center of San Diego's gay life. Recent commercial competition from neighboring North Park and University Heights, burgeoning cultural hubs themselves, threatens the economic and social stability of the neighborhood. That Hillcrest is a vibrant community is without question; however, in light of changing circumstances in the mid city area, we recommend a sustainable redevelopment that uses space more efficiently and develops a more local consumer base, while offering a more diverse range of employment opportunities. A revamped neighborhood identity will help Hillcrest to continue to thrive for many years to come.Conceptual goals included developing a locally resident workforce and consumer base, as well as bolstering local neighborhood continuity and identityImplementation involved focus projects at sites L, M, R and P (specific developments including parks, monuments, mixed use complexes and pedestrian walkways) to provide points of orientation and places for community gathering, up-zoning on Washington and University avenues to increase residential density, traffic calming measures on Washington, University, 4th, 5th and 6th streets to encourage pedestrian activity and reduce traffic fatalities, creation of access points to the local canyon system to provide recreation area, placement of relevant signage along Washington and University avenues to support L, M, R, P and canyon access points and introduction of wind power generation as a local monument to local environmental efforts.

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