principal architect : Susumu Uno / CAn (C+A nagoya)
photo: Hiroshi Ueda
structure: RC
site area: 102.81㎡
building area: 79.67㎡
total fl oor area: 288.93㎡
scale: 4 stories
【A building formed by a feeling of “chaos of the town”】
The site is located on the edge of Osu mall, one of the success examples of the reconversion of shopping arcades where many people, especially young people, gather for shopping every day. More and more old buildings and private houses are converted into small retail shops and bars. A remarkable example is the “multi-tenant-building” as found in former offices or apartment buildings. These buildings are reconfigured as a cluster of renovated shops coexisting around the inner stairs running through all floors. The crowded chaos found in the city is extended within the building. It is this feeling of chaos which attracts people. The quality of ruin-like spaces found in this district is emphasized in the new building by means of a violent concrete skeleton.
【Zigzag stairs and notched wall】
The interest in complicated worlds being generated by simple rules was the underlying thought when designing this building. This small building is comprised of 4 floors approximately 80 square meters in size. The “Zigzag stairs” run through these four floors, from the front road all the way up to the rooftop. This simple operation produces two effects. At first a visual expansion is created when different floors are appearing and disappearing by stairs covered with glass and mirrors. The complicated studio on the second and third floor with staircase and stair-step-like shelf at the center of the space forms the second effect. This staircase generates a new experience of the “multi-tenant-building” in a new form.
Furthermore, the client requested an eye-catching and symbolic facade for the building and something that would induce people to go up to the upper floors. Two different forms of “Notched walls” are set on the north and south sides, connected at the top by a jagged rooftop. This simple operation could create the symbolic and inducing effect required. At the end, a building with a strong visual dynamic that seems moving is born.
【Other Notches】
The table for the second floor office was also designed. A 70 cm square table was chipped and shaped according to the expression of the building’s facade. These notches enable multiple layouts. This table was named “Leaf” as it creates various expressions of multiple leaves.