Harmony House is a two family home that provides the following benefits for the home's occupants:
A Healthy and Comfortable Indoor Environment
- High level of indoor air quality through use of chemically inert interior finishes, fresh air distribution and filtration
- High levels of daylight illumination
- High levels of thermal comfort
Low energy consumption and operating costs
- Super insulation, high performance windows combined with air tightness and heat recovery ventilation reduce energy use by 80%
- Passive solar space heating provides 20% of annual heating requirements
- High efficiency heat pump provides auxiliary space and water heating
- Photovoltaic array provides all the electricity required for the home and powers an electric car
- Daylighting combined with light sensing controls minimizes electrical use for lighting
Reduced Environmental Impact
- Use of resource efficient building materials
- Use of high carbon sequestering building materials
- Use of recovered and recycled building materials
- Use of water efficient plumbing fixtures and appliances as well as rain water harvesting minimizes use of municipal water
- No greenhouse gas emissions produced in home operation and for transportation